Friday, December 14, 2007

Michael Savage ger sig på Nobel-kommitten

Michael Savage har en av de mest populära radiotalkshows i USA med ca 8 miljoner lyssnare i veckan. Han är konservativ och har med sina uttalanden som "liberalism is a mental disorder" dragit på sig mycket kritik (och då inte bara från progressiva grupper utan även från de konservativa leden). Här är en utskrift av hans kommentarer om Al Gore och Nobels fredspris.

SAVAGE: "Midwest plastered with ice." Duh. It's the winter. Why is that a story? I mean, if the Midwest was not plastered by ice in the winter, that would be a story. You people would say, "Maybe there is something to do with global warming." But the fact that we're walloped with storms in the winter doesn't deter Al Gore-leone, the head of the Gore-leone crime family, from continuing his con? I don't understand that. This is unbelievable. He's the tutto di capo tutto -- whatever, tutto ruto ruto. The tutto di capo di tutto, or whatever. He's the head of the five families of deceit on the planet, Al Gore-leone.

You know, the Gore-leone crime family is now the number one crime family in the world, when you think about it. He's about to pull off the biggest scam in the history of the world. It's bigger than any bank heist, bigger than any drug deal. It's bigger than any counterfeiting scheme, and he's doing it all nice and natural with a little help from the socialist perverts in Norway, who gave him a Nobel Prize.

Why do I call them socialist perverts? Answer: because they are. By and large, 90 percent of the people on the Nobel Committee are into child pornography and molestation, according to the latest scientific studies.

I'll be right back. Be here or be absolutely nowhere.

Jodå, Savage är allt annat än välvilligt inställd till Gore. Han har tidigare sagt :

"[O]f all of the dictators in the past, you know the one Al Gore strikes me as [being] closest [to] is [Benito] Mussolini -- sort of a non-racist, benign demagogue using global warming in an attempt to take over the world's economy and put it in his own hands and the hands of his cronies."